End-to-end tutorial
Setting up the tutorial environment
Clone repository:
git clone git@github.com:RiccardoBiosas/opium-call-option-example.git
cd opium-call-option-example
Set your INFURA_KEY and MNEMONIC in the .env file:
Install the dependencies:
yarn install
yarn test
Main contract:
pragma solidity 0.5.16;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/SafeERC20.sol";
import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol";
import "opium-contracts/contracts/Lib/LibDerivative.sol";
import "erc721o/contracts/Libs/LibPosition.sol";
import "./interfaces/ICore.sol";
import "./interfaces/ISyntheticAggregator.sol";
import "./interfaces/IRegistry.sol";
@notice Wrapper contract to showcase how to interact with the Opium Protocol's Core contract in order to create and execute derivatives' positions
contract OptionController is LibDerivative, Ownable {
using SafeMath for uint256;
using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
using LibPosition for bytes32;
address tokenSpender;
ICore core;
ISyntheticAggregator syntheticAggregator;
Derivative public derivative;
/// @notice Initializes Opium contracts
/// @dev uses Opium Registry helper functions to get the required Opium contracts
/// @param _registry address of Opium Registry contract
constructor(address _registry) public {
IRegistry registry = IRegistry(_registry);
syntheticAggregator = ISyntheticAggregator(registry.getSyntheticAggregator());
core = ICore(registry.getCore());
tokenSpender = registry.getTokenSpender();
/// @notice Sets derivative template as a state variable which will be used as a template to create SHORT/LONG positions and execute them in the `create`, `executeShort`, `executeLong` functions
/// @param _derivative Derivative
function setDerivative(Derivative memory _derivative) public onlyOwner {
derivative = _derivative;
/// @notice Wrapper around LibDerivative getDerivativeHash to return hash of the current derivative for off-chain validation purposes
/// @return bytes32 of the Derivative derivative hash
function getDerivativeHash() external view returns (bytes32) {
return getDerivativeHash(derivative);
/// @notice Wrapper around Opium core.create to create a derivative
/// @dev transfers required margin from msg.sender to tokenSpender
/// @param _amount uint256 Amount of derivatives to be created
/// @param _addresses address[2] Addresses of buyer(LONG) and seller(SHORT)
function create(uint256 _amount, address[2] calldata _addresses) external {
(uint256 buyerMargin, uint256 sellerMargin) = syntheticAggregator.getMargin(
uint256 requiredMargin = _computeMarginRequirement(buyerMargin, sellerMargin, _amount);
IERC20(derivative.token).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), requiredMargin);
IERC20(derivative.token).approve(tokenSpender, 0);
IERC20(derivative.token).approve(tokenSpender, requiredMargin);
core.create(derivative, _amount, _addresses);
/// @notice Wrapper around Opium core.execute to execute a derivative SHORT position
/// @param _amount uint256 Amount of SHORT positions to be executed
function executeShort(uint256 _amount) external {
bytes32 derivativeHash = getDerivativeHash(derivative);
uint256 shortTokenId = derivativeHash.getShortTokenId();
core.execute(msg.sender, shortTokenId, _amount, derivative);
/// @notice Wrapper around Opium core.execute to execute a derivative LONG position
/// @param _amount uint256 Amount of LONG positions to be executed
function executeLong(uint256 _amount) external {
bytes32 derivativeHash = getDerivativeHash(derivative);
uint256 longTokenId = derivativeHash.getLongTokenId();
core.execute(msg.sender, longTokenId, _amount, derivative);
/// @notice helper function to calculate the total margin requirement for the creation of a derivative
/// @param _buyerMargin uint256 margin of the LONG position
/// @param _sellerMargin uint256 margin of the SHORT position
/// @param _amount uint256 Amount of derivatives to be created
function _computeMarginRequirement(
uint256 _buyerMargin,
uint256 _sellerMargin,
uint256 _amount
) private pure returns (uint256) {
return _buyerMargin.add(_sellerMargin).mul(_amount);
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